Dental Care
At our Hastings and Somerville clinics, we offer comprehensive dental care to maintain your pet’s oral health. Dental disease can cause significant pain and, if left untreated, lead to serious conditions such as kidney disease. Since pets often hide discomfort, it can be difficult to detect dental pain, but once treated, many pets show a noticeable improvement in their behaviour. Signs of dental discomfort may include chewing on one side or a decrease in activity.
We use advanced dental technology, including dental radiographs, to assess the extent of disease, particularly below the gum line. Tartar and plaque are removed with ultrasonic scalers, and teeth are polished to ensure long-term dental health. If necessary, diseased teeth may be extracted under general anaesthesia, with some extractions requiring a surgical approach. Pain management is a priority, with local anaesthetic blocks and pre- and post-operative pain relief to ensure your pet's comfort.
Dental care begins with a comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment (COHAT) to determine the extent of dental disease. If extensive disease is found, we may stage the treatment to keep anaesthesia and procedures within a safe timeframe, performing additional procedures at a later date if needed. Dental procedures under general anaesthesia are the most effective way to accurately and comfortably assess and treat dental disease for the best outcome for your pet.
Dental Scale & Polish