Our Hastings and Somerville branches have full surgeries to perform routine procedures such as spey, castration and lump removals. We are also able to perform more involved surgeries such as orthopaedic procedures including cruciate ligament repairs, intra-abdominal surgery and larger lump removals involving skin flaps. We believe that anaesthetic monitoring is paramount so we dedicate a nurse to watch your pet the whole time they are under anaesthetic. As well as the human touch, we also have sophisticated monitoring equipment such as pulse oximetry, apalert, blood pressure monitoring, capnograph, oesophageal thermometer, ECG and an oesophageal stethoscope. This equipment is routinely used on all of our anaesthetics.  When indicated we will include intravenous fluids to help maintain blood pressure and keep our patients well hydrated throughout the procedure at no extra cost.

We can also offer orthopaedic surgery including TPLO for cruciate damage, fracture repair, hip dislocation and patella luxation.